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Spatial Prediction of Soil Carbon Using Terrain Analysis in a Steep Mountainous Area and the Associated Uncertainties Soil carbon(C) is
Computational analysis of multiply charged ion generation in Hall thruster channel Hall Thruster(홀 추력기), Fluid-Particle Model
Spatial prediction of soil organic horizon nutrients using geographical variable-based machine learning in a mountainous watershed 산
Predictability of soil properties in mountain regions using landform classification This study aims to propose an improved approach for
Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Properties according to Hillslope Position in the Wetland Ecosystem: a Case Study of Ungok Wetland 본
Evaluating Spectral Preprocessing Methods for Visible and Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Predict Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in
Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Properties according to Hillslope Position in the Wetland Ecosystem: a Case Study of Ungok Wetland 본
Spatio-temporal Changes of the Urban River and Restoration of River Topography: A Case Study of Gwangju Stream 본 연구는 도시발
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