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Spatial patterns of flood damages and relationships with landuse changes in South Korea : ****~****년 남한지역을 사례로 본
Spatial patterns of flood damages and relationships with landuse changes in South Korea 본 연구는 자연재해 중에서도 홍수
(A)study on L.v. Beethoven 「Piano Sonata Op.53」 표제지 목차 국문요지 5 I. 서론 7 II. 베토벤 피아노 소나타의
Evaluating Spectral Preprocessing Methods for Visible and Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Predict Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in
Evaluating Geomorphological Classification Systems to Predict the Occurrence of landslides in Mountainous Region 본 연구는 산지
The predictive effects of geriatric counseling on the depression reduction and the suicide prevention 우리나라의 노인자살률
This study was performed with the aim to extend the utility of the hollow nanoreactor approach, which act as a template the synthesis
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