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The development and application of unplugged based Python board game 목차 언플러그드 기반 파이썬 보드게임 개발 및
Development of Python Education Program with Computational Thinking 본 논문에서는 비전공자 및 프로그래밍 초보자들
Design of Chaos Engineering Concept-Based Programming Education Method - Focusing on Control Structure of Python-
Analyze Python programming error cases in an online learning environment 컴퓨터 프로그램 초보 학습자의 프로그래밍 실
A Study on the Python Education Program Using Code Review 제1장 서 론 1 제2장 이론적 배경 5 제1절 프로그래밍
Development of LiDAR Point Cloud Processing Software Using Python Libraries 드론, 오픈소스, 파이썬, LiDAR
Development of LiDAR Point Cloud Processing Software Using Python Libraries 드론, 오픈소스, 파이썬, LiDAR
Introduction to numba library in Python for efficient statistical computing 본 논문은 순수하게 파이썬 언어로 작성된
Python based Integrated Processof 3D Thermal Analysis for Blast Furnace Integrated process(통합 프로세스), Python(파이썬), T
Python based Integrated Processof 3D Thermal Analysis for Blast Furnace Integrated process(통합 프로세스), Python(파이썬), T
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